Our treasured Virginia history is compiled into
a vividly illustrated book for children, schools, and families.
Odyssey of
offers delightful reading, with a Virginia history study guide to aid
teachers and parents. This book gives God the glory for His place in our
nation’s Providential history. Beginning with the First Virginia Charter of
1606, to the story of Pocahontas and John Smith, through the story of Chanco in
1622, and is perfect for the elementary and middle school classroom and
library. Teachers will love sharing the Christian heroes we honor and the
illustrations that bring each story to life.
Odyssey of Faith
Teacher’s Guide contains many resources to assist the teacher,
homeschooler, or grandparent to teach this curriculum. The FREE 26
page guide inlcudes:
- Questions for reflection
- First Landing Day, April 29, 1607, an article
detailing the Providential history of this world changing event
- A skit to perform or read together
- Complete text of the 1606 Virginia Charter
A list of resources for additional study